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Abbots wood footpath installation has destroyed walking route

Reported via mobile in the Trees and woodland category anonymously at 10:05, Sun 15 November 2020

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 2387949.

Abbots woods new footpath completely pointless, the path being installed runs behind the meadows development to a horse field. It would have been more useful to residents to install a path between the meadows and bilbie green. Residents use this route daily to walk dogs and go between the two sites or walk to the high street. I also use it to walk my son to school. In the winter it gets very muddy so a proper footpath would be of great benefit. The current work has now destroyed this route with jcb’s going through see pictures above and made it impassable. So to summarise the council have installed a completely useless footpath leading to a horse field and destroyed a much used walk way!!! And the resources used could have been used to make a proper footpath that actually benefits the residence.

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  • The council has instructed the contractor to rectify the damage. This will be done in 2 phases, levelling the ground now and when ground conditions improve a full reinstatement will be carried out.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 14:01, Mon 16 November 2020

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