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Rogue sycamore tree btw. property nos. 43 and 45 Greenbank Gardens.

Reported via desktop in the Trees and woodland category anonymously at 13:08, Fri 22 January 2021

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 2495175.

The sycamore is located to the rear of nos. 43 & 45. Easily accessed from Greenbank Gardens by foot down the alleyway. It is fast growing, already about 25 feet tall. We believe it is damaging our drains and house foundations with its roots. Also blocks our light especially in the summer and causes nuisance through dropped leaves and fruit . It has self seeded on Council maintained land so it is the Council's responsibility to remove it. We would be very grateful if you could do this whilst it is still leafless, as this will be a lot easier. Thank you.

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  • Nothing at all has been done about this tree. It is still growing and the roots are still causing upheaval that we can see and probably worse that we cannot see. This damage is the reponsibility of the Council.

    Posted anonymously at 21:12, Fri 23 December 2022

  • Still nothing has been done about this tree. The more time that elapses the more damage this treewill be doing and the more difficult and expensive it will be to put things right. The Council is responsible for the land this tree is growing on and consequently for the damage it is doing as well. Leave it as it is at your peril.

    Posted anonymously at 15:57, Sunday 24 November 2024

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