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Trees in the park at Burchill close

Reported via desktop in the Trees and woodland category anonymously at 13:08, Tue 5 October 2021

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 3043094.

The trees in the park at Burchill close have become overgrown and dangerous and i suspect that they will cause damage to one or more properties and risk causing injury soon as the winds increase as we head into autumn.

Several trees are overhanging private properties and in one case the large oak is tapping the roof of a property in high winds. they are also liable to fall on a footpath risking both damage to property and injury to the public.

The large Oak in the middle of the park was cut back several years ago and is now severely lopsided and open to the elements and will cause damage and risk life when inevitably branches fall.

Additionally trees to the rear of the part are also large out of control and encroaching.

Please can these all be addressed as soon as possible. i will be retaining information of this correspondence for future use and legal action if needed as i have already called the council in the past with nothing being done and it is only now a matter of time before there is an incident.

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  • The trees in this play area are inspected every 3-4 years to assess their condition and if any significant defects are found then action is taken. The trees we last inspected on 28th June 2021 and were found to be in moderate condition so no tree works are required.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 13:37, Tue 5 October 2021

  • Several trees and bushes are overhanging our property, will these be cut back before they cause damage.

    Posted anonymously at 15:36, Tue 5 October 2021

  • Hi can you please confirm when trees and bushes overhanging private property will be cut back.

    Posted anonymously at 20:41, Thu 7 October 2021

  • Hi I am yet to receive a reply regarding the overhanging trees and bushes, please can you tell me what will happen with these and when as they encroach my property.

    Also I want to put on record that I believe that it is only a matter of time before the larger trees in the play area cause damage to mine or another property or worse to a person.

    How you deal with this now is of course up to the council whose decision will no doubt be based on cost however with it on record I will have legal redress available against the council and individuals concerned with making the decisions when the inevitable incident happens and I need to make a claim.

    Posted anonymously at 08:05, Sat 6 November 2021

  • Hi I am yet to receive a reply regarding the overhanging trees and bushes, please can you tell me what will happen with these and when as they encroach my property.

    Also I want to put on record that I believe that it is only a matter of time before the larger trees in the play area cause damage to mine or another property or worse to a person.

    How you deal with this now is of course up to the council whose decision will no doubt be based on cost however with it on record I will have legal redress available against the council and individuals concerned with making the decisions when the inevitable incident happens and I need to make a claim

    Posted anonymously at 11:39, Thu 17 February 2022

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