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Lower Bristol road sane side as vic park bus stop area

Reported via mobile in the Railings, bollard, & post damage category by Bunny bush at 13:37, Mon 9 January 2023

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 4104990.

I have included a pic of the metal post Ian a driver with 31 years of driving This metal post has no reflective strips and when you drive the road it drives you along and towards the post? Metal and cars - pedestrians and cycles don’t mix this post will end up killing some one regardless if they are at fault or not ? Accidents happen I’m not saying a post shouldn’t e there all I’m saying is it should be of softer material and or reflective I have put it on the bath and proud page so feel free to read and note comments and likes which on the whole are in agreement with my query Also please drive the road like I did in the dark with heavy rain fall and it’s just there upon you ?? Please do keep me up to date with your answer and reply Thankyou from bunnybush - bath resident

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  • Thank you for this report. We will review the details and carry out an inspection of the site if required.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 13:37, Mon 9 January 2023

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