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Vandalism in Parkhouse Lane, Keynsham

Reported via desktop in the Bench & Public Space Damage category anonymously at 10:17, Thu 27 April 2023

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 4491825.

Further to my previous report of broken down dry stone wall, damage to trees, antisocial behaviour (reported to police) dangerous play ‘swing’ attached to tree branch, and fouling and littering which you have decided not to address - The extensive damage and incursion to the ecological environment is occurring within a protected area for wildlife. There is an artificial badger set nearby which was part of planning requirements and which has been successfully occupied by badgers until recently. The disturbance in Parkhouse Lane, Council responsibility, is damaging a protected species. The vandalism in the area is also causing a safety concern for children. The integrity of the boundary wall and hedgerow needs to be reinstated.

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