Cutting back a tree
Reported via mobile in the Trees and woodland category anonymously at 09:19, Wed 9 August 2023
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council 27 minutes later. Council ref: 4873072.
We had a tree in our garden but we cut it down as it was disturbing my front wall. Now it cut down the tree shown overhangs into our garden and needs trimming please
Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Systems Team at 09:19, Wed 9 August 2023
We've looked into this report and are investigating the issue.
We will update this report once we decide what action to take.State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Systems Team at 09:36, Wed 9 August 2023
We've passed this report to another team in the council. They will carry out any further work needed. Sometimes it can take a little longer as a result.
We'll update this report once we've decide what action to take.
Category changed from ‘Overhanging Vegetation’ to ‘Trees and woodland’
State changed to: Open
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 09:46, Wed 9 August 2023
Thank you for your report. Please can you provide the house number so we can investigate this issue as there is not a highway tree at the location shown on the plan.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 11:38, Wed 9 August 2023
Number 15 uplands road is where the tree is
Posted anonymously at 12:35, Wed 9 August 2023
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