Perilous Tree
Reported via mobile in the Trees and woodland category anonymously at 07:24, Wed 6 September 2023
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 4963305.
We have recently had a tree survey on our property at The Bage, Claverton Down Road, Bath BA27AS and during the survey the tree surveyor identified a tree that is dead and perilous on the grass verge outside our property adjoining the main road. While this isn’t causing us an issue I am concerned that it could easily fall on the road or pedestrians particularly in any inclement weather. I have attached a photo and shown it to the council staff when they were cutting the verges and they confirmed it is dead.
Thank you for your report. Please can you supply the address the tree is adjacent to as the location shown on the plan is within a field.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 12:15, Wed 6 September 2023
I reported this tree several weeks ago indicating that it was dead, on the side of the carriageway and perilous. To date nothing has been done.I was unable to move the drop locator to the exact location but I updated you on line that the trees were on the council owned carriageway approximately 100 feet to the left of the Oakley Bus stop. (There are 2 dead trees there which are very visible but I have attached photos again. They are not in the rainbow wood farm fields as the drop tag shows. Please can you update me on progress. Thank you.
Posted anonymously at 12:27, Fri 13 October 2023
These trees have been inspected and are in the routine works programme, the dead/dying trees to be felled.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 14:53, Fri 13 October 2023
I alerted you to this tree in Sept 23 and advised that it was perilous and a danger in high winds. Unfortunately as predicted, it came down overnight along with an adjacent tree stop on the verge. Thankfully nobody was injured, but the tree has crashed into our garden, is now obstructing the path and has damaged our dry stone wall. Can you advise me whether someone will come and remove this as it remains a danger if it collapses further or whether I should call a tree surgeon and ask them to remove it and send the bill to the council? I appreciate you are busy but the tree is in a dangerous staten so I would appreciate a quick response. Thank you
Posted anonymously at 10:28, Mon 22 January 2024
Council Tree Team to attend.
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 10:51, Mon 22 January 2024
Thank you for your report. Your issue has been resolved. If it happens again, please log a new report.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 11:29, Tue 23 January 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.