Bellhorse Lane
Reported via desktop in the Excessive or dangerous littering category anonymously at 14:39, Thu 5 October 2023
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council 18 hours, 34 minutes later. Council ref: 5065869.
Following the accident with a trapped truck reported last week, the lane has been left with debris and mud, as well as serious damage to the wall exposing mud and threatening to slide further. The lower drains are now blocked with mud. The road is not dangerous to vehicles but it is slippery and dangerous for walkers. It is a narrow lane regularly used by pedestrians and cyclists. It needs a road sweeper to remove debris remaining from the accident. The wall needs to be made safe. Road Closed signs left at the top and bottom of the lane are no longer needed.
Thank you for your report. We have investigated your issue and passed the details onto our contractor. They will plan and complete any necessary work. We will update this report when the contractor has completed their work.
We respond to 4 out of 5 issues within 24 working days, once we have decided on the best course of action. You can visit our website to find out what we do and why it can take longer than you might expect. how-we-deal-problems-road-network
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Systems Team at 14:39, Thu 5 October 2023
We've looked into this report and are investigating the issue.
We will update this report once we decide what action to take.State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Systems Team at 09:06, Fri 6 October 2023
We've passed this report to another team in the council. They will carry out any further work needed. Sometimes it can take a little longer as a result.
We'll update this report once we've decide what action to take.
Category changed from ‘Damaged Railing, manhole, or drain cover’ to ‘Excessive or dangerous littering’
State changed to: Open
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 09:13, Fri 6 October 2023
Two weeks has gone by. The report has been passed to another dept. Since then, nothing. Can someone from the other dept give us an idea how long it might take, please?
Posted anonymously at 15:34, Thu 19 October 2023
State changed to: Action scheduled
Updated by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 14:06, Fri 3 November 2023
Reported to our council representive.
Posted anonymously at 11:02, Thu 23 November 2023
Reported to our council representive.
Posted anonymously at 11:03, Thu 23 November 2023
Still nothing. Still covered in mud.
Posted anonymously at 13:36, Tue 12 December 2023
Thank you for your report. Your issue has been resolved. If it happens again, please log a new report.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 10:43, Thu 14 December 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.