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Walkway between roundabout outside Widcombe Baptist Church and Claverton Street Car Park

Reported via mobile in the Obstruction on road or pavement category anonymously at 21:21, Tue 14 November 2023

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5212543.

On a number of occasions and over a period of several months I have witnessed moped delivery drivers using this path as a cut through. Last week I pulled into the car park and was nearly crashed into by a moped driver using the path who was travelling at speed towards me. Pedestrians could be seriously harmed by such a vehicle cutting across like this. It is a serious accident waiting to happen.

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  • Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 21:21, Tue 14 November 2023

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