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Persistent dog fouling - Cranmore Avenue

Reported via mobile in the Dog fouling category anonymously at 09:19, Wed 22 November 2023

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5240224.

Around Cranmore Avenue and the lane leading from Culver Road to Tesco there is persistent dog fouling. There is 'new' dog poo almost everyday all along the footpaths in Cranmore Avenue, the Keynsham Book Binders and in the lane towards Tescos. It has been like this for almost a year but has increased in the last few months. Cranmore Avenue and 'the lane to Tescos' is extremely busy with walkers, young children and kids coming from the high street going upto Boradlands school. I will include photos to this particular ticket shortly.

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    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 12:52, Fri 1 December 2023

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