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Worst sited pedestrian crossing ever

Reported via mobile in the Obstruction on road or pavement category anonymously at 11:31, Mon 18 December 2023

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5332897.

Pedestrian crossing put in to link pedestrian Bridge north and south problematic A) does NOT follow pedestrian desire line. B) Placed at NARROWEST pavement point, so when door to Mokoko coffee is opened, pedestrians have to move into road and try to avoid being run down. This is dangerous. C) drainage appalling, water collects at crossing point, soaking pedestrians, as pavement too narrow to avoid and you have to leap across or wade through water D) crossing takes too long to react, most people just run across in between traffic. E) you need to update your map to show current Bath layout, gas holders went 2 decades ago

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    Posted by Systems Team at 11:31, Mon 18 December 2023

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    Posted anonymously at 11:54, Mon 18 December 2023

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