In progress
Bus stop inaccessible
Reported via mobile in the Bus stop or shelter issue category anonymously at 14:57, Mon 19 February 2024
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5599956.
Re previous report no 5575459 not fully actioned, but closed. I have reported this problem on many occasions. The bus stop at Kelston Park, going towards Bath is unusable due to vegetation on the ground resulting in nowhere to stand to wait for the bus, and overhanging branches above.
Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Systems Team at 14:57, Mon 19 February 2024
I notice that your operatives have been to clear the gulley next to the bus stop. Unfortunately they have deposited all the foliage and rubbish onto the bus stop, making it now impossible to stand at the bus stop. Standing on the space by the gulley is not appropriate as this overflows continually. Surely it would have been advantageous for the bus stop area to have been cleared at the same time as the gulley. Saving time and money.
Posted anonymously at 13:40, Thu 21 March 2024
My original report dated 19 February, although stating in progress, is no further forward. I attach photos taken today which illustrates considerable more work now required than if action had been taken at the outset. As the road is being closed next week, comm 28th May would it be appropriate for the work to be undertaken at this time?
Posted anonymously at 11:56, Thu 23 May 2024
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