Parking cones repeatedly being put out for work and no workers every turn up massively restricting residents parking for no reason
Reported via mobile in the Obstruction on road or pavement category anonymously at 08:27, Wed 21 February 2024
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5607938.
This is the third time in a month that these cones have appeared claiming there is a restriction for installation of machines. No one EVER comes to do the work. They restrict the road for most of the week including weekends and residents including those with disabled badges have no where to park. This is acceptable when there is real work but they never show up. This can’t go on as it is becoming weekly. The same is happening in Bennett street so about 8 spaces are removed. As several more are blocked off for other work there is almost no parking for no reason. Please can you either insiste the work is done in the time or revoke the restricted parking. Because the spaces just sit empty for half the week now!! Repeatedly
Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Systems Team at 08:28, Wed 21 February 2024
We've looked into this report and are investigating the issue.
We will update this report once we decide what action to take.State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Systems Team at 12:51, Wed 21 February 2024
We've passed this report to another team in the council. They will carry out any further work needed. Sometimes it can take a little longer as a result.
We'll update this report once we've decide what action to take.
Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 12:55, Wed 21 February 2024
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