Action scheduled
Extremely poor road surface causing extensive buildup of gravel
Reported via iOS in the Dangerous road surface (including ice, mud, spillage or debris) category anonymously at 11:10, Sun 17 March 2024
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5725101.
The road surface has completely fallen apart, there are multiple large potholes and heaps of gravel that were once part of the road. As usual most of the damage is due to poor patching likely by the cheapest contractor the council can find.
This surface is extremely dangerous as it is on a blind corner and breaking hard causes the car to slide on the gravel. Furthermore, the large potholes could quite easily cause damage to tires, wheels or suspension.
Claims for damage could extend to indirect damage caused by a third party colliding into another vehicle due to the road surface.
This and prior notices about this issue can and will, if necessary, be used as evidence in a court of law that the council is aware of the issue; and is wilfully negligent over their duty of care to ensure a safe road suitable for motor vehicles.
Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Systems Team at 11:11, Sun 17 March 2024
Thank you for your report. We have investigated your issue and have scheduled the appropriate work into our future plans. If these works are not considered to be routine maintenance, we will share any progress updates on this page to keep you up to date.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Systems Team at 13:54, Tue 19 March 2024
More road surface has broken up from the continuous flooding issue, there is also more gravel and road dirt which resulted in a vehicle nearly hitting smoother vehicle head on and ending up coming off of the road and nearly through a drive way wall as you can see from attached photo of skid marks in grass where the vehicle stopped. Something needs doing with this section of road to make it safe, speeding vehicles and gravel/poor surfaces and flood water do not mix. The road and drainage need a solution and some kind of traffic calming needs to be put in place with a lower speed limit. This road is now becoming a hazard for people to use
Posted anonymously at 11:38, Wed 20 March 2024
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