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Mill Lane where previous repair stopped

Reported via mobile in the Potholes & road surface category anonymously at 19:12, Tue 19 March 2024

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5739459.

You have come twice and repaired part of Mill Lane and installed a drain to channel water under the road. Unfortunately most heavy rain overflows the drain and washes across the lane. (See 3rd photo) This has washed out the road below the end of the new tarmac. (See other photos) It has caused a deep shelf across the road of up to 15cm deep and getting deeper. People are complaining about the huge step this has caused including postal delivery vans and cars visiting the site as well as residents. The tarmac needs to be continued down the slope and beyond the entrance to the Mill Yard so the over flowing water is channelled into the other drain across the road. As well as this you should review the new drain and consider if it could be improved so that it captures more water and keeps it from overflowing across the road damaging the surface. It is torrential and fast flowing and is literally washing out the hard core. This road leads to a disability access route on the canal towpath. It is now impossible to get a wheelchair up the ledge where the tarmac ends. I know because I am in a wheelchair!

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  • Thank you for your report. We will review the details you submitted and will inspect the site if necessary.

    We respond to 9 out of 10 reports of potholes and road surface issues within 10 working days, once we have decided on the best course of action. You can visit our website to find out what we do and why in some cases it can take longer than you might expect. how-we-deal-problems-road-network

    You can support our investigation by providing as much detail as possible. If you can provide any extra information, please add an update to this report.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 19:12, Tue 19 March 2024

  • We've looked into this report and are investigating the issue.
    We will update this report once we decide what action to take.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Systems Team at 13:01, Wed 20 March 2024

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