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Public toilets in very poor condition

Reported via desktop in the Park safety issue category anonymously at 16:48, Thu 11 April 2024

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5840334.

As a public park, I was disappointed to find that it cost 20p to use the public toilets; however, my daughter was desperate to go, so I paid. Once the toilet mechanism finally kicked in, someone else was already in there, so my 20p was wasted, meaning that the system does not work anyway. I then had to pay again to use a different toilet. Finally finding one that was empty, we went in (my young daughter now being desperate) to find an incredibly dirty and disgusting toilet. The sanitary bin was overflowing, the floor was very wet and muddy and the toilet itself was dirty. For a toilet you have to pay to enter, I find this quite awful. As a resident of BANES I have been left wondering what we are paying our council tax for. I love Victoria Park and the play facilities there are truly excellent, but we should be able to expect better for the hygiene standards of the facilities, especially when paying for them.

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  • We've passed this report to another team in the council. They will carry out any further work needed. Sometimes it can take a little longer as a result.

    We'll update this report once we've decide what action to take.

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 10:13, Mon 15 April 2024

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