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Weeds growing in Barton buildings

Reported via desktop in the Removal of Weeds category by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 06:51, Thursday 4 July 2024

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6189226.

Please could you do the normal summer weed clearance in Barton Buildings. We seem to have been overlooked and are looking a bit shabby! Also, one of the neighbouring flat owners is trying to sell and I’m sure this would greatly help.

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  • The weeds in Barton Building are out of hand again. We're in the tourist heart of Bath so weeding needs to be done soon. I talked to the man who cleared the weeds (very well) last time and he commented that they have to do the weeding by hand and are not allowed to use weedkiller. Apparently Brighton Council tried this approach and have had to rethink and are using weedkillers again. Could this be discussed in Bath because weed-free streets could be maintained far more easily and the weeders could be utilised for something else? Thank you.

    Posted anonymously at 14:16, Friday 13 September 2024

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