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Without a crossing, this is not a safe place for a bus stop

Reported via mobile in the Bus stop or shelter issue category anonymously at 08:14, Fri 18 October 2024

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6629827.

This bus stop needs a pedestrian crossing of some kind. It’s in a place where most people using it (often large numbers of school children) must first cross the road. Cars are driving fast entering Bath, and a large volume of cars also join from Old NewBridge Hill, increasing the traffic around the bus stop. This is a safety issue, especially if people are rushing to catch the bus. Please add a crossing directly to the bus stop. Or at least move the bus stop next to the island crossing (which would not be ideal as it is close to housing).

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  • Thank you for your report, it will be reviewed by the appropriate team.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 08:14, Fri 18 October 2024

  • I ditto the above comment - have raised this concern multiple times to the council and highways. It should be moved along towards the island near brassmill lane or into the park and ride, in order to accommodate a crossing making it safer for children to cross, whilst also reducing the litter in this area which is rife and making it safer for vehicles to pull out of the busy busy petrol station, who have their vision blocked by the buses

    Posted anonymously at 10:35, Mon 4 November 2024

  • I ditto the above comment - have raised this concern multiple times to the council and highways. It should be moved along towards the island near brassmill lane or into the park and ride, in order to accommodate a crossing making it safer for children to cross, whilst also reducing the litter in this area which is rife and making it safer for vehicles to pull out of the busy busy petrol station, who have their vision blocked by the buses

    Posted anonymously at 10:39, Mon 4 November 2024

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