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It appears to be human excrement has been left in our garden.

Reported via mobile in the Fly-tipping category anonymously at 19:06, Wed 30 October 2024

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6677486.

I am looking for advice and how to register a formal complaint on to how to deal with the following:

On Sunday 27 October 2024, I went into our garden to find what appears and smells like 2 x human excrement, thrown over the fence from the adjoining property into our garden. We did not see the person do this, we think we know who did this, however we believe it is revenge for calling the council on another matter.

I have reported the incident to the police and called the Environment Agency, who directed me to BANES environmental protection office team, whom I have contacted by email and telephone.

I have attached the photographs of the human excrement in our garden and the paper used.

My name is James Barrass and I can be contacted on 07762066388 and also by email.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.

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  • Thank you for your report. We have investigated your report, however the issue is not something we can help with. Please contact the organisation who is responsible to let them know. We have now closed your report and so any further comments will not be monitored.

    Category changed from ‘Excessive or dangerous littering’ to ‘Fly-tipping’

    State changed to: not the council's responsibility

    Posted by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 14:24, Fri 1 November 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.